What to Eat & Avoid for Your Skin

What to Eat & Avoid for Your Skin

At Vieve’s Leaves, holistic beauty is a core value. We believe that if you want gorgeous, glowing skin, you need to start from the inside. After all, it is your body's largest organ. Subsequently, it requires constant energy and nutrients to renew itself every month.

Many underestimate the effect food can have on skin health; however, it is one of the leading causes of acne and even some diseases. Unfortunately, there is not a magic pill for perfect skin. Instead, we must create mindful eating habits. Let us break down a simple list of the nutrients you need and what you can do without.

Increase Your Consumption Of:

  1. Lemon water: Two main benefits come with drinking lemon water. It effectively detoxifies the digestive system and is vital for hydrating your organs. Lemons have a large amount of vitamin C. This means that when you drink lemon water, you get the benefits of an antioxidant and a brightening agent.
  2. Fruits and vegetables: Colorful fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants and vitamins, like beta-carotene (found in carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins) and lutein (found in kale, papaya, and spinach). Both are necessary for healthy skin cell development. Vitamin C (found in blueberries, broccoli, guava, kiwi, oranges, and strawberries) supports the immune system, heals blemishes, and produces collagen.
  3. Healthy fats: This one may be a surprise. However, fatty acids serve as building blocks for healthy skin cells. A reinforced barrier can shield the body from pollutants and irritants. Foods like salmon, olive oil, and nuts are excellent healthy fat sources. Walnuts, for example, increase collagen production because they’re high in omega-3 fatty acids. So, collagen improves the skin's elasticity, prevents sagging, and leaves your skin youthful.
  4. Greek yogurt is rich in vitamin B, which is the vitamin that helps diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and inflammation. In addition to vitamin B, it is also full of probiotics. Greek yogurt is one of the best alternatives to artificial and sugary yogurts that often have the opposite effect on the skin.
  5. Beans are a great food to help fight acne and even psoriasis. They are full of fiber, protein, antioxidants, and amino acids. They are most commonly known for containing high levels of zinc.

Try To Limit Your Consumption Of:

  1. Refined carbohydrates (flour, rice, bread, white sugar)
  2. Processed meats and other highly processed foods, including but not limited to cookies, chips, candy, and frozen meals.
  3. Sugary drinks: sorry, soda lovers!
  4. Alcohol
  5. Dairy products

At the end of the day, it's all about what makes you feel like your best self! Although it is a significant factor, your diet is just one component. You must still stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Supplement a healthy routine with all-natural, rejuvenating skin care products; trust us, your skin will thank you.